Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Your Rx for Personal Growth

How do you need to grow or change your practice to effectively teach online literacy?


Anonymous said...

-We need to have working computers with current software and hardware.
-The technology tools need to be accessible to all staff (time and equipment).

Anonymous said...

I need to spend more time online. Get experience.
Take more classes from Andy.
At school communication is email now. How do you find the time to respond during the day when someone wants an immediate response?

Anonymous said...

- Need more access to computers in classroom
- Need staff training for ALL (e.g. goal oriented staff meetings based around literacy/curriculum) to show staff what the students need to be able to do and to increase everyone's online skills
- Speedy support for repairs/tech issues/questions
- Family education of expected computer skills and online literacy to improve communication and to support students at home (via evening workshop at school?)

Anonymous said...

We need time and resources. It was interesting that Finland allowed 5 weeks of professional development time built in.Do they do it during the summer?

Anonymous said...

* Lots of staff development
* Enough computers for all students to have their own * Dedication by teachers to move forward in this direction. (Not every teacher will be on board for these changes.)
* Easy to use web page programs for teachers

AY said...

I need to continue my efforts to be on-line organized and to read what other professionals are thinking- make full use of my online personal learning network.

Anonymous said...

Finding a balance between exposing young children to technology in a way that would benefit without taking away from the joy of traditional learning.

Anonymous said...

-I need to have time in daily schedule to work with students online
-time as a teacher to explore and learn about the internet and computer to be comfortable with skills
-need a computer lab teacher for specific teaching of skills then teachers could integrate the internet into classroom activities
-more desk top computers for each classroom (4-5 per class)

Anonymous said...

what is developmentally appropriate for teaching technology skills?

Anonymous said...

*A need to have computer time in the classroom become part of the daily routine.
* At least 4/5 computers available for student use all the time.
*Professional devel. time for us oldsters to learn to be a bit more savy.
*I also think that this tech. give us yet another opportunity to reconsider our role as teachers. Are we imparters of information to be memorized and regurgitated or facilitators of the process of our students becoming critical thinkers and independent learners?